The Story of Matthew (Gift of God) Jadon (Thankful) Davis
The story of how Matthew Jadon Davis came to join the Davis family is a story of God’s providence and guidance as well as a story of human obedience and perseverance. The story actually began a little over ten years ago when Danny and Stephanie first decided to get married. They knew that adoption was part of God’s plan for them to build their family from the very beginning and planned on doing so all along. Their adoption journey finally began though two and a half years ago. After pursuing the adoption of two amazing foster kids in Oregon for a year, they received the difficult news that an Oregon family had been chosen to parent those two. They were heartbroken but continued on the path they knew God had placed them on. Danny and Stephanie began attending seminars and filling out paperwork to work with Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services last March. In late November, they were matched with a birthmother. They eagerly awaited the arrival of the little one, but circumstances changed because God had other plans. Once again, they were disappointed and confused but pressed on. On February 29th, they were released from their official match with the November birthmother and their profile was given to another birthmother, S.
Monday, March 3rd - Danny and Stephanie received word that S had chosen them. They knew it was a God thing because she chose them as a result of their statement of faith and the way she could see them live that out. “Our relationship with Christ determines who we are and what we do.”
Tuesday, March 4th - Danny and Stephanie drove to Buckner’s in Dallas to meet S. It was evident to all that this was a clear match.
Wednesday, March 5th - They received the official word that S had agreed to the match and had a home visit by their case worker.
Thursday, March 6th - They went to see Phantom of the Opera in San Antonio, which was their birthday and Valentine’s present to each other.
Friday, March 7th - Matthew Jadon was born at 7:35 pm.
Saturday, March 8th – Danny and Stephanie frantically prepared their home for a newborn.
Sunday, March 9th – An entrustment ceremony took place and they took home their son!
S, Matthew’s birthmother, made the ultimate sacrificial and loving decision when she made an adoption plan for Matthew. She is a godly, Christian woman who was faithfully obedient to the word God spoke to her just three weeks before Matthew’s birth. Up until that point, she had not considered adoption but God told her that this child was not hers and that He had other plans for Matthew. She listened and desired to give Matthew the family that she could not provide. S, Danny and Stephanie all know that God chose Matthew to be Danny and Stephanie’s son. He was the son they had waited for all these years. God’s fingerprints, direction, provision, and guidance are all over this blessing. He is so good!
Thank you for sharing this with us. We cannot wait for you to watch and participate in this blessing as Matthew grows in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and with man.
To God be the glory,
Danny, Stephanie, and Matthew Davis